Thursday, July 13, 2006

Halfway Day!

Today was our halfway day! At about 8 this morning, we crossed the halfway line that the ABBike staffers had drawn on the road. What a milestone! This also is the 25th day of our venture, so it also represents half of our tour has passed time-wise.

We were a battered group today after our epic battle with the elements and the distance yesterday. Almost to a person, the riders agreed that it was the toughest of the ride. Several riders had taken falls on gravel at SAG stops or along the shoulder of the road,and were wearing their battle scars today.

Fortunately, the weather was much more pleasant, with the remnants of a thunderstorm creating a cool start, and the clouds postponing the inevitable heat.

I rode for a good part of the day with Mike. He will leave the tour in Sioux Falls, and from then on, I will be the sole voice of recumbency on the ride.

At one point today, we were on the same route as another bike tour which was riding the return route of Lewis and Clark. One of them was on a Easy Racers Gold Rush, which is almost like mine, but with a lighter frame. We chatted briefly, but he didn;t seem to be in a very good mood, so we got a picture and rode off.

Today's route was along the mighty Missouri River, and through a Indian reservation.

Although the route was 85 miles today, I treated it as a "rolling rest day" and didn't push it. I felt quite good at the end, and finished at around 1 p.m. I ate lunch at a restaurant near the motel, reputed to have one of the best cheeseburgers as rated by readers digest and some other publications. It was pretty good, but they ran out of homemade rhubarb pie right before I placed my order!!! I better get some soon, before I suffer withdrawal symptoms.

My health is great, I am riding strong, have only a few "wear spots", and am managing my food and water intake well. The bike is working like a champ, and other riders keep checking to see "where the motor is".

1 comment:

Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Well, I am halfway through your blog, reading it retrospectively, and it is darn hard to stop reading! You are doing a fantastic job of conveying the experience. Great photos; great writing. Love it!